

  The heat of summer is entrenched, and the 4th of July signals to bow hunters the summer 'break' is half-over. I'm thinking of cool relief of autumn. By October, deer return from timber to fields under moonlit nights, they'll migrate earlier without dusk's cover.  2013   Summer's humidity was relentless. But Fall bow season had begun even as u ncomfortable heat hung on. One humid afternoon, Ed and I opted to drive to hunt Urich Conservation Area prior to gun season's crowd chased off all the deer..... afterwards, it would be futile to hope for a modicum of success in Urich's small area. We loaded the Jeep with his climber stand and the ground blind I use, and an assundry of other supplies necessary including the small homemade deer cart. The usual mass mayhem of traffic kept us from making significant speed to Urich conservation area. Since the freezer was nearly empty, the woods and wild beckoned us both as necessity. Pulling into ...


The river runs deep with forbidden secrets, leery of intrusion to a trusted few. Swirling past knowledge held sacred, the current utters in whisper to protect its truth. Mindful of nature's fruitful song, winged creature glides gracefully midst times reminiscent. All Mother's lore upon renaissance greeted; championship welcome, rejoicing flourishes to noble tune. The orb's brilliant glow sifts through the gaiety; nocturnal proclamation sings cheery note. With the wilderness' keepsake of promise, the river flows timeless. Embracing dawn's iridescent crystal hues -- held close, breathless for remembrance to savor. The beckoning river sparkles slivered images to crest anticipation, entices delightful with adventure to possess for the winged glider its sole crusader. by Patricia Joy-Frommer,  1990 published "Poetic Voices of America" Sparrowgrass collection, 1992


The eyes of the Peregrine will plainly see; she tis truly a paragon of the falcon tiercel; for all knows it's a victory dive in tumultuous pursuit; therefore, neither is prey,  synchronization innate. Glorious speed conquers the wind; life's course only its eyes can see. Masters of freedom's wing with sinewed talons of steel - - survival a constant test of nature's will to be free. Purest strength, the highest ideal; its instinct for freedom with mate; and free, the falcons will always truly be.  by Trish Frommer- Joy  1993