GREAT FOR DIGESTION, CALMING, ANTIBIOTIC Sensitive tummy? Has your buddy eaten something that gave him diarrhea or vomits on your carpet? Eeeeew. Here's a Pepto-doggie-dinner. You want to use every morsel of the deer but the family just can't do deer organs? So you make dog food. It's veterinarian approved too. This can be made in increments, as time allows. This recipe: Cook meat and rice. A dd all raw ingredients and herbs, bag up later. DEER HEART 3 cups white RICE( apx.)* 1 T. GRD. CINNAMON HANDFUL CUT STEM PARSLEY} CHOPPED FINE} A FEW LEAVES SWEET BASIL} " } MAKES 1/2 CUP 1 T. RAW HONEY HANDFUL DRIED APRICOTS, CHOPPED SMALL SCOOP (1 T. MELTED) VIRGIN RAW COCONUT OIL 3/4 C. COTTAGE CHEESE 1/2 C. (...