
Showing posts from March 22, 2015


Spring 2014  It had been six weeks after my mastectomy -- turkey season would open  at sunrise,  April 21st.  Being layed up for pert'near two months, I was ready to roll out the door. I knew of a spot populated with large gobblers, so  familiar with those fields I can walk in before day's light without a headlamp. (The best tactic not to alert roosting birds.)  Spring was a welcome sight after deep snows and frigid cold.  I dreamt of hunting turkey.  But 2014 was not the norm after February 12th. In the nighttime after dinner, my husband watched his hunting shows before work while I was online double checking the locations I could hunt.  I plotted mileage to drive and yards to walk in for several set ups. Typically, my favorite area is a 3/4 mile walk.  But being a favorite wasn't my top priority this spring due to regaining my strength, still low after surgery.  I tried to plot for less strenuous plans: A, B and e...