Calhoun, MO My mom knew I loved the woods and she knew Jesus watches over her little huntress... as I venture out every fall. I miss her. Everyone had eaten Christmas dinner, I was ten or so, six inches of snow on the ground. Iowa white Christmases were as common as cardinals calling outside my bedroom window, their red a vibrant contrast to a snow-topped evergreen tree. My brother and sisters chased each other in the snow. We were happy to be outside with all the grownups inside. My memories of those frigid Iowa days make me miss the woods so much, my foot hoisted on top of the sofa. I longed to to go hunting and fishing this year more than ever. I missed hunting for three years while recuperating from reconstructive surgeries and my foot in a cast in 2015. Hunting and the woods is my church. Anyone who loves and respects God's green earth knows what hunting does for a person's soul. It's not the thrill or bang of a powerful rifle... Winter...