The river runs deep with forbidden secrets, leery of intrusion to a trusted few.Swirling past knowledge held sacred, the current utters in whisperto protect its truth.Mindful of nature's fruitful song, winged creature glidesgracefully midst times reminiscent.All Mother's lore upon renaissance greeted;championship welcome, rejoicing flourishes to noble tune.The orb's brilliant glow sifts through the gaiety;nocturnal proclamation sings cheery note.With the wilderness' keepsake of promise, the river flows timeless.Embracing dawn's iridescent crystal hues -- held close,breathless for remembrance to savor.The beckoning river sparkles slivered images to crest anticipation,entices delightful with adventure to possessfor the winged glider its sole crusader.

by Patricia Joy-Frommer,  1990
published "Poetic Voices of America" Sparrowgrass collection, 1992

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