
Showing posts with the label grip angle


Things to consider weight trigger grip length grip diameter ergonomics eye dominance If a gun you’re holding requires you to stretch your index finger in order to reach the trigger, there’s a good chance your rounds will impact left of your point of aim (assuming you’re right-handed). That’s because with too little finger on the trigger it’s difficult to press the trigger directly rearward.  In such a case, your right index finger tends to push the trigger, and therefore the muzzle, to the left.  A right-handed shooter with too much finger on the trigger is likely to experience the opposite problem.  The trigger tends to be pulled to the right, and consequently, the rounds will impact to the right of the point of aim.    As a new shooter, in the previous post, the author writes he didn’t understand the emphasis on the phrase “press the trigger” because to me it seemed you “pulled” the trigger to fire a gun.  An instructor told him ...