
Showing posts from March 27, 2016


Fishing is best with minimal conversation while occasionally changing bait to best match the fish’s patterns… listen … let the breeze and warmth of kinship guide us.          I love fishing.  I literally feet the tug on the line as I dreamed I was fishing.  Fishing dreams are said to have a religious context, but fishing dreams for me are damn near as much fun as the real thing !          At the time I wrote this, there was four days of fluffy snow blanketing the ground.  And more was forecast before the day became tomorrow.  February in Missouri is a plethora of sleet and snow, then a warmish spell teases us of spring.  Then comes fishing.   That time of year I lust for Crappie fishing after all morning turkey hunting so I dreamed of yanking Crappie out of the icy clear waters, a frosty chill to the wind as winter yields to spring on its last breath.  But in the Midwe...