marina in ice My husband and I returned from deer hunting in the Ozarks. We'd gone the day after Christmas. As I grew up it was considered sacreligious to hunt on Christmas Day. But I don't believe there should be that stigma. And as a young girl, I sure didn't know any better one way or another. My grandpa would take me and my cousins rabbit or squirrel hunting during the holiday school break if there wasn't two feet of snow to trudge thru. We didn't have waterproof boots kids have now. Oh yeah, we had the ol' galoshes style. My feet stayed dry for maybe an hour till I tromped into a snowbank up to my knees, then dry tootsies was a lost cause. One year Grandpa had 4 kids in tow, racing from brush pile to weed patch to scare out any rabbits. So why deny kids that time with grandpa just to not hunt on Christmas just to adhere to such a silly rule? I'm sure the pion...