I am not a gun lobbyist. I am just another grassroots, staunch believer in our constitutional Right to Bear Arms.
There are thousands of everyday law-abiding folks who seek intelligent and responsible helpful tips, info or services. This post is not to be politically correct, having nothing to gain except sharing stuff-to-know.
This is my own perspective about self defense, women's guns and our choices. I do not claim expertise about weapons, ballistics, and shooting methods except for my own hunting and personal recreation.
The first tragedy that occurred inspiring this post was the devastating massacre at Sandy Hook...
Many tragic events have taken place since, and worldwide anyone who pays attention to news is aware of and most surely has an opinion. I truly respect all opinions. This is mine.
Years ago, my husband and I were shopping at BassPro sporting goods store. He was making a batch of homemade sausage, in need of links casings. He found the specific casing in the food preparation section without problem. On to the next.
The hunting department...
The whole store is always busy on Saturdays but that day the gun department had customers lined up the total length of the counter waiting for help. He and I approached the gun counter -- I saw the glass case. I was shocked. Over half the pistols in the display case were gone. Sold out.
We squeezed between people hovered over the counter, stopping in front of one pistol to inspect it beneath the glass - a Taurus 992 revolver. He said he read articles about this model. I knew reading is not holding -- obviously he wanted to hold it. I hadn't a clue of his intent. A magazine article or online photo doesn't do a pistol justice. Or any gun. Any shooter knows it's different to handle a pistol compared to an image online or magazine pictures. Reputable gun store owners will urge you to test it out. Wrap your fingers around the grip, feel its balance, feel the sensitivity or firmness of the trigger, and finally experience the power of the shot, the recoil, and your own physiological reaction the instant you shoot.
It's been very common to rent a handgun for a test fire in their range to help you make a decision what model you prefer. Since the day in the sporting goods store I've handled a myriad of different models of .22s up to .45s, revolvers and SAs (semi-automatics) to get a feel which one I'd ultimately buy/carry.
Back to the gun counter....
To our left, a woman of small stature was busy typing her info into the store's laptop for their background check and another woman to my right was signing her purchase agreement -- yes, I noticed how many women were buying handguns. I'd always treated handguns just for plinking out in the back forty. But these women I stood next to were dead serious to own serious power. I felt intimidated with my inexperience.
I watched and listened as several men came up to the counter, one after another asking for gun supplies that were sold out. What struck me, not being odd but as simple fact just how talkative all these men and women were about the state of apparent shortage of ammo and guns. Their conversations were vehement regarding the recent events in national news as the justified rationale for the onslaught of guns and ammunition purchases. It's become the new norm, at least being voiced openly that most carry a handgun for the single purpose of self defense.
A vehemently grave feeling manifested in me, awareness to fully comprehend the intense beliefs of these ordinary folks. I sensed ominous challenges in the offing, whereby our neighbors would be willing to spend their last dollar to buy a gun based on the fear that our government will impose undue restrictions against our freedom. It seemed too surreal that our right to bear arms has become subject to such scrutiny, under such attack.
On a soapbox...
Intelligent ignorance, despite the Constitution. That provokes fear, that's mho. I am no politician, hate politics. But it is our history that our Constitution was written by our ancestors who vehemently spilled blood for the benefit of the newly made American people. It was for just cause. I for one won't accept that that paper may have been written in vain, to disclaim its validity, as outdated. Those men believed in the will to persevere for freedom and gave their lives to ensure we would not have to fight a king's rule ever again.
How tragic that those valiant leaders, heroes, those who were triumphant over tyranny are now being overshadowed by self-interest groups borne out of fear of solid citizens, grass roots folks merely stalwart to protect our families against the depravity of criminals invading our homes, and worst evil possibly terrorists. The 2nd Amendment is specific. It's sole purpose is to enable us to a militia to serve us, its citizens and protect ourselves and our family with a gun when life is threatened and interferes with a person's (and family's) safety.
I was brought up to respect the U.S. Constitution as much as my Bible; the 2nd Amendment is as sacred as our right to religion or free speech. Now gun control activists have been throwing stones with accusations that that belief is outweighed by violence spawned by the NRA and hunters and every gun owning citizen....steeped in political agenda.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."http://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/second_amendment
Our number was called...
The salesman retrieved the gun my husband was interested to see, plus another that was comparable. I was surprised how comfortable the grip felt in my hand. To me it cost a lot of money, but to most folks there shopping, the cash outlay was insignificant compared to the current public issues.
We admired the polymer-handled revolver compared to the plastic grip semi-auto model, as well as the jam-proof design feature. That design made the Taurus revolver progressively better. My husband was as knowledgeable as the salesman regarding historical interest and gun values. They discussed its design and that reloading all our ammo saves us a dime or two.... I half-listened to the shop talk. He made his decision and posted his own information into the store's laptop for the background data check - the process took only five minutes.

Semi-auto or revolver...
It's a deeply personal choice, what kind of handgun and what name to carry especially for self-defense. Loaded with more responsibility than I wanted to deal with months ago. When I did take the CCW class, I learned more about my options and how the laws apply to "carrying" in Missouri.
Every gun owner has their own personal preference what model to carry. For anyone wanting to carry, there are hundreds on the market to fill that desire, whatever the need. To each his/her own.
Since that shopping day, we've practiced at area Kansas City indoor ranges. We bring our own targets or buy a fun one like Zombie gal! Indoors, I shot my husband's Ruger semi-auto with the scope for target accuracy. Some women, some learning, some experienced say that they needed a gun at times. Living in Kansas City, we hope for the best, are prepared for the worst.
An outdoors range is all about fun competition; it doesn't matter which gun I shoot - shooting a gun is a great stress reliever. [Below] this outdoor range is sponsored by the Missouri Dept. of Conservation, outside of Clinton. It has roofed seating, lanes to sight-in rifles too. Honing our skills and a bit of friendly competition with other gun owners is better than heading to a bar to socialize.
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Clinton Outdoor range |