The Mile-high 10 Point
IShot this 10 pt bruiser yesterday. View from our land owner's mile high stand and he loaned me his 270. One shot in lungs. Two kickers behind the brow base makes 10 points!
He said he knew the second I was gonna shoot, I got the most determined look on my face...
ZOOM in onto the red maple on the bottom left of pic, I shot THRU that - couldn't center the scope to see it clearly. But I heard him, Paul saw antlers, tapped my shoulder said, "buck". Its head was lowered down, sniffing for the doe he was following, I couldn't see -- damn near stood up. Just that second, I got his antlers in the scope.
Paul whispered, "if u want him... " flipped the safety off as I pulled my glove off with my teeth. I slid the scope onto his shoulder below and squeezed the trigger.He FLOPPED. No jump, no run, no tracking.
I got 'im! We waited forty minutes in case the doe it was following would come in. We climbed down. Paul cut, I pulled out the guts.
We hoisted it on his 4wheeler and I sat on top of my buck, hung onto Paul's coat with one hand, the other wrapped around those antlers! We drove through the field to the house to show 'im off. Right about then, my husband came back from his own hunt and gave me a proud hug and kiss for bringing down such a bruiser!
