Camo for Deer...   

    An inexperienced hunter might get impatient waiting in a ground blind. My butt do get a bit numb from sitting on the stool.  Our bodies succomb to getting sore and restlessness, hence our human reaction is movement. But deer are always wary, on the lookout for danger, while they are more colorblind than turkey, a deer's alert eyes pick up on any movement.  It is difficult to remain still and silent inside the blind just as it is in a tree stand.  I was taught to turn my head minimally, to shift only my eyes and if you hear steps, hold your head statue still.
    When you're out there sitting in a blind or in the stand you become part of the woods, drinking in the smell of the leaves, the pines and if you're in a prime spot, you can smell pungent deer pee and know you may get your chance, if the wind doesn't give you up. As I wait, if I'm quiet and still enough the birds will land next to me, not really as rare as such a beautiful thing. Inside the blind I've had squirrels, rabbits, raccoon, possum, and titmice come within inches of me.
    Whenever I have time, I camouflage the blind more by cutting small branches and position them into the zipper window openings, letting them hang down away from my shooting lane. I tie them on and birds often land right in front of my face. I believe that little extra shield effectively hides me so the deer will come closer as I sit ready in the blind. My point is that extra lightweight branches leaned against the blind add to the effect rendering you more difficult to see and that is the purpose.. Therefore the quarry gets closer since they don't see the danger, that is you. 

All is part of what it takes to be a good hunter, for me this intimacy, to be one with God and Nature is as close to Heaven as it gets without love or the human touch.  
